Saturday, March 14, 2015

My Young Avocado Tree

Have you ever tried to take a seed from an avocado and grow your own tree with a goal of producing fruit? I have not done it before, but I was determine to be a part of that learning, and I am grateful. Lets also talk about the health benefits too of eating Avocados. There are some great recipes for your enjoyment, and check out that recipe for guacamole too at:,,20395687,00.html

I did succeed.
After getting some tips from a friend who had a successful seedling and he demonstrated the process to have the most successful outcome. We needed 3 items, A mason jar, 2 toothpicks, and a pint of spring water in the jar, just enough to have the seed base in the water. The toothpicks are to be inserted into the crest of the seed mid-way and supported as entering the water of the jar where nature takes it`s course. Once a trunk begins to appear from the top of the seed, transforming into a young Avocado Tree. The experience was calming, and magical all at the same time.I have a new hope for the future.

See Photos Below & Happy Planting Everyone!

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