Saturday, March 14, 2015

My Young Avocado Tree

Have you ever tried to take a seed from an avocado and grow your own tree with a goal of producing fruit? I have not done it before, but I was determine to be a part of that learning, and I am grateful. Lets also talk about the health benefits too of eating Avocados. There are some great recipes for your enjoyment, and check out that recipe for guacamole too at:,,20395687,00.html

I did succeed.
After getting some tips from a friend who had a successful seedling and he demonstrated the process to have the most successful outcome. We needed 3 items, A mason jar, 2 toothpicks, and a pint of spring water in the jar, just enough to have the seed base in the water. The toothpicks are to be inserted into the crest of the seed mid-way and supported as entering the water of the jar where nature takes it`s course. Once a trunk begins to appear from the top of the seed, transforming into a young Avocado Tree. The experience was calming, and magical all at the same time.I have a new hope for the future.

See Photos Below & Happy Planting Everyone!

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Monday, February 23, 2015

Knowing Your Gifts Will Give You Power Over Your Life....

Do you know your gifts?

As a Life Coach I witness almost daily the inner struggles many face in walking in a path not related to their life`s purpose:

This struggle has lead to a rise in depression, unhappiness, and even suicide among our population. With so much health concerns also on the rise, the question needing to be addressed is can we really be happy as men and woman,(even young adults under 25) if were not using the gifts we were born with to guide our life? When we search for a rewarding career do we use our gifts to help lead our steps? The answers for true happiness not only for our career but also our personal and family life depends on our knowing what our destined path is. Here at Healthy Empowered Living Solutions, our clients use self actualization techniques and begin to understand who they are and have begun to walk a more destined path leading to happiness with a more balanced life in Mind, Body, and Spirit. You really can have it all. To find out more of the benefits of Life Coaching and your gifts for a new life path and journey call Debra 321 536-7441 for A FREE 60 Minute Session and begin your path for happiness today. I look forward in hearing from you.